The Non Profit Organization "Social Inclusion" was created by a team of social and humanitarian scientists in 2018  who have several years of experience in the field of social inclusion of vulnerable people.

Also, "Social Inclusion" was created with main purpose to offer services in disadvantage groups that experience social racism in any kind of type and fight against stigma.


The scientists of the organization have studied in detail the needs of social excluded people such us migrants, persons with disabilities, indigenous minorities, and women in danger, unemployed people, elderly and people with psychological disorders.

Moreover, the scope of the organization is to strengthen and enhance the social position of women by utilizing the full potential of the internet and also organizing at regular intervals-actions such as public debates, lectures, conferences, seminars, support groups and advisory groups.

Organization as well deals with research and social dialogue, on human rights, discrimination, gender equality, poverty eradication, democracy, mental health problems sciences and social transformations, including urbanization and migration.

Organization’s aims and objectives are nonprofit and bring forward researching and taking action in order to protect, enhance and highlight the activities and contributions vulnerable groups in all aspects of social life.